It’s something beautiful really

the details of the Grand Designer. Those beautiful details are what my business is all about! I am passionate about creating a business where women can learn to appreciate their unique God-given beauty! In this day and age, where women are expected to fit a certain mold, I want them to know their value as an individual and to have their confidence strengthened. The details are so important – and just the right choice of color or curls can bring out those details!

As women, there are so many demands on our time, especially around those special events and moments. I also want to offer a time where they can feel free to relax and provide that much needed self-care.

In order to accomplish these goals for my business, I also bring a specific set of skills to the table. I have been a licensed Cosmetologist within the state of Pennsylvania for over 15 years, and I have also held my Cosmetology Teacher’s license for the same amount of time. During that time, I have worked in several salons and done my friend’s and family’s hair and make-up for their weddings and special events. I also assist women with their most personal skin care questions and offer support for the health of their skin.

I hope you will give me the opportunity to bring out those beautiful details for you, whatever the occasion!

Photo used with permission of Kelsey Renee Photography

She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future. – Prov. 31:25